International conference

«Regular and chaotic hydrodynamics

Applications to atmosphere and ocean»

Russia, Izhevsk

Hosting organization
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia.

From June 12th to 15th 2010.

Scientific sections

  • Discrete vortices theory: dynamics, integrability, chaos
  • Geophysical hydrodynamics: vortices and waves in stratified medium
  • The questions of stability and statistical properties in vortex dynamics

The organizers

The conference continues the series of similar meetings: IUTAM Symposium "Hamiltonian Dynamics, Vortex Structures, Turbulence", Moscow, Russia, 2006; Colloquium C3 "Stratified Rotating Flows" at the 18th Congres Francais de Mecanique, Grenoble, France, 2007; IUTAM Symposium "150 years of Vortex Dynamics", Copenhagen-Lyngby, Denmark, 2008; "Second international conference on high-Reynolds number vortex interactions", Brest, France, 2009; All-Russian Conference “Dynamical Systems, Control, and Nanomechanics”, Izhevsk, Russia, 2009 (held with participation of the members of the European Research Network "Regular and Chaotic Hydrodynamics"). In frame of the forthcoming conference there will be meeting of the participants of the Russian-American RFBR/CRDF project (project leaders: L.G. Kurakin and P. Newton) «N-vortex problem in applications to atmospheric events».